
The dictionary defines mindfulness as "the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something". At some point in my life, I decided to experiment with trying to be present as much as I could during my day, and that made a huge difference in my life. How many times do you notice you are present during your day? How many times during the day are you aware of your surroundings and what is going on inside you also? Sometimes we turn on auto pilot and end up missing great moments in our days.
Through the practice of mindfulness, I have learned to increase the times when I feel present during my days. With that, I have also increased my acceptance of what is and gained more clarity about which circumstances I can or cannot control, so I could take appropriate action toward creating the life I desire and wish to co-create for myself. That was only possible because of mindfulness and the non-judgmental way in which it is practiced.
I would like to invite you to engage in a supported mindfulness practice with me and see how it unfolds in your life. Please contact me for details.