
- PEACE Course - Practice, Envision, Allow and Cultivate Equanimity  

What is Equanimity? Webster dicitonary: noun [Latin oequanimitas; oequus and animus, an equal mind.] Evenness of mind.

Duration: 3 weeks OR 6 weeks; Includes access to videos, a journal in PDF format, and a weekly 20min-phone call. Daily assignments: at least 15 minutes of your day for the suggested practices, such as mindfulness, journaling, pranayama, etc.

Description: In this course you will try different daily practices to figure out the best way to learn to manage well your emotions, in other words, to cultivate equanimity. You could choose to do it for 3 or 6 weeks. Each week, you may choose to focus on certain topics, such as habit identifying or changing or noticing fears, etc.

At the end of each week, you get a (20min) one-on-one session with the instructor, when many things can be discussed, from the techniques that are working best for you to other mindfulness techniques you’d like to try, for instance.

Benefits from Practicing Equanimity:

  • We can have healthier relationships, communicate more effectively, and be more productive.

  • When we don’t overreact, it is possible to handle our relationships in a more manageable way, and to see our circumstances with more perspective. 

  • In terms of the physical body, “lower stress levels and lower emotional reactivity keep our blood sugars lower and fewer stress chemicals circulating in our bloodstream, wreaking havoc, and causing unnecessary inflammation and physiological harm” (by K.Carlson). 

At the end of the program, which could be the 3rd or 6th week, depending on how long you choose to do the program for, we will have an ideal schedule with some variations to keep you on track and determined to live mindfully, that is, connected to awareness, your feelings, your relationships, etc. and various tools to help you navigate changes.

Please email with any questions or to receive FAQ's about this course.

- Private and Group YOGA CLASSES - online for now

- Reiki sessions available online (35min OR 50min sessions with up to 10min wrap-up talk)

Please email if you have any questions about  Mindfulness classes, Yoga classes - for an individual or a group-, or a Reiki sesson.